I’m Matt DeKrey!


/mæt dɪˈkreɪ/


Available for contracting!

A photo of Matt DeKrey, smiling and wearing an aloha-style shirt. The print of the shirt is a pattern with Tux wearing an floral aloha-style shirt.

Recent Thoughts

With a heavy heart I get to announce that I’m no longer at Principle Studios or Shift Paradigm. To all my friends and colleagues who have been there or are still there, it has been an honor and a privilege, and I hope we get to work together again someday!

Read More Thoughts

automation git frontend react api architecture docker markdown 3d aws cloud culture debugging engineering error-handling gatsbyjs github actions helm kubernetes nextjs organization patterns refactoring release-management security serverless signalr webgl

Scaled Git Flow: Hardening Branches

2024-05-22 automation git release-management

The principle of Isolation until Finalized from the Scaled Git Flow branching model is new for many developers: between trunk-based development, GitFlow, and standard Continuous...

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Engineering Culture: Interviews

2023-02-24 culture engineering

Note: This article as originally published on the Principle Studios blog. Now that Principle Studios is part of Shift Paradigm, I have republished the article...

Read More (8 min read) about Engineering Culture: Interviews

Doing the Right Thing

2023-01-05 architecture organization

Generally speaking, employees want to be good at their jobs. We like to know that the people around us can depend on us to get...

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WebGL Particles

2022-12-12 3d frontend webgl

I started out my career in video games, but recently I’ve feeling the pull to play around again. It’s been interesting re-learning so much of...

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AWS Security Basics

2022-12-10 aws cloud security

I was asked recently what my security recommendations would be for an AWS account. I’m not in infosec personally, so this is definitely not a...

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