Scaled Git Flow: Hardening Branches

2024-05-22 automation git release-management

The principle of Isolation until Finalized from the Scaled Git Flow branching model is new for many developers: between trunk-based development, GitFlow, and standard Continuous...

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How to apply automated refactorings to a large Git branch tree

2017-08-27 git refactoring

Recently, my team decided to implement Prettier on our TypeScript code base. When we started our greenfield project more than a year ago, we started...

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A scalable Git branching model

2017-08-11 git

A comprehensive git branching strategy that scales up or down with the needs of the project.

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Git: How I use it and Why I don't use GitFlow

2017-07-12 git

As a consultant for the past several years, I’ve had the opportunity to work on many different types of software projects, including marketing sites, mobile...

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